1. I/We certify that my/our residential address and contact details as mentioned on this form are correct. In case of any changes, I/we will intimate the same to the management within 3 days.
2. Ragging is strictly prohibited: My/Our ward will indulge in any act of ragging. If he/she is found indulging directly/indirectly in any such act to misbehaviour, disciplinary action betting in ragging. If found guilty he/she will be punished/ rusticated/expelled/suspended from Karmaneya Teaching Institute.
3. I/We have gone through and know the hotel fee structure and payment schedule. We agree to abide by them and strictly adhere to the payment schedule. I/We will deposit the fees in full before or on schedule date.
4. I/We have carefully read the ‘LEAVES RULES’ of the institution. I/We understand that no leave is granted to the students unless approved by approving authority. The gate pass will be issued to me/us or to authorized guardians to make my/our ward, out of the hostel during outings/leave for special occasions.
5. I/We ensure that my/our ward will report back on the assigned date as mentioned in the leave application. He/ She will join back on the day as informed for the vacation. I/We understand that if my/ our ward fails to join back on the assigned date necessary disciplinary action may be taken against him/her and the student have to pay fine of Rs. 500/-
6. I/We understand that my/our ward will be expelled for any of the following acts.
a. Any act of Immorality
b. Stealing or extortion of money or any item from other students.
c. Leaving hostel premises without prior permission.
d. Damaging Institute property.
e. Bullying, assaulting and any act of ragging.
f. Smoking, drinking alcohol and use of other psychotropic drugs and substances.
g. Students found gossiping, involvement in opposite gender students or into relationships.
7. I/We shall ensure that my/our ward will not carry any electrical gadgets, mobile phones or any costly items to the hostel.
8. Students are not supposed to visit another room/flat/row house of their fellow students during study time or rest time.
9. Any case of illness shall be reported immediately to the Hostel/Warden. Only First Aid facilities are available in the hostel. All outside medical expenses incurred for the residents will be borne by them.
10. Hostel rooms are equipped with furniture and fittings of appliances. Students occupying the room will be responsible to hand over the items in their original serviceable condition to hostel authorities while leaving the rooms on close of the academic session.
11. It is mandatory for students residing in the hostel to dine in the dining hall. Students shall come to the dining hall for meals neatly dressed.
12. All visitors to the hostel including the parents/guardian will have to make necessary entries in the visitor’s block available at the hostel entrance with the security guard.
13. Students are responsible for the safekeeping of their valuables. Students should take proper care of the belongings.
14. Allotment of room will be entirely at the discretion of the management and request for changing of room will not be entertained. The management can change rooms if they find it necessary at any point of time.
1. Every student has to deposit the caution money as instructed by Karmaneya Teaching Institute Authorities. This deposit is refundable after calculating any losses made by a student at the end academic year.
2. If a student leaves the course mid-way due to any reason whatsoever and wants his/her caution money back, the institute will refund the money deposited towards caution money under any circumstance.
I/We have read and understand the hotel rules & regulations of Karmaneya Teaching Institute and agree to abide by them.